Game Summaries & Headlines.
Clinton MSXC runs at Hudson
3.0 years ago @ 7:39AM
- Game Date
- Sep 14, 2021
At Hudson, Clinton MS Cross Country ran at the Coed LCAA Jamboree to open the 2021 season.
The girls team was led by Grace Farrell, Dalia Albashir, Ella Claus, Molly Sierer, and Aubree McClain.
The boys team was led by Cole Hillegonds, Angel Rubio, Jack Morgan, Broden Manchester, and Ronan Stelzer.
The following runners earned a personal record - Libby White, Aubree McClain, Ella Claus, Grace Farrell, Kali Jarrell, Molly Sierer, Cole Hillegonds, Hudson Miller, Grady Aldridge, Jaxen Speth, and Zeke Turner.
The following runners earned a season record - Dalia Albashir, MaeLynn Williams, Ben Jacobs, Jack Morgan, Angel Rubio, Broden Manchester, and Austin Strand.
Runners completing their first cross country race - Libby White, Sarah Rickard, Ella Claus, Grace Farrell, Kali Jarrell, Molly Sierer, Hudson Miller, Grady Aldridge, Vinny Skidmore, Jaxen Speth, and Zeke Turner.