Game Summaries & Headlines.
Coots, Hampel, & Zbikowski set MSXC marks at Rustic Glen
6.0 years ago @ 6:56PM
- Game Date
- Sep 29, 2018
Clinton MS Cross Country got a chance to run a no-pressure open run at Rustic Glen Golf Course over Fall Festival weekend. The runners took advantage of the 1.6 mile run to set school records. Samantha Coots paced at 6:26 to set the 7th grade record while Caden Zbikowski paced at 5:59 to tie the 8th grade record for middle school cross country. Max Hampel holds the 7th grade boys mark but lowered his pace to 6:03 at the home invite. Clinton Middle School Cross Country records began in 2013 with the restart of the program.
The following runners earned a personal best - Caden Arntz, Logan DeVitto, Zack Gillies, Caden Zbikowski, Justin Celmer, Travis Faust, Max Hampel, David Wegner, Brynn Ruhl, Faith Blackburn, Allison Bowles, Addison Miller, Paige Shankland, Emma Shankland, RJ Handy, and Ava Roesler.