Clinton Community Schools

Girls Middle School Basketball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Middle School Basketball vs. Hudson Area Schools

1 year ago @ 7:33AM
Game Date
Feb 13, 2023

It was a long night for the 8th grade girls basketball team as Hudson Tigers defeated the Redwolves 9-21. Clinton was able to win 1 in the first half quarters, but the Redwolves ran out of gas in the second half. 

 The Middle school team is on the road again Wednesday night as they will battle the Hillsdale Hornets.

Clinton now stand at 2-3 in the LCAA

Team Highlights:

Kaylin Sposite had 6 points 7 steals 10 rebounds and 3 assists 

Avery Loftis had 4 points 4 rebounds 4 steals 3 assists 

Morgan Huggins had 3 points and 1 rebound

Ashlynn Benschoter had 2 points 6 rebounds 3 assists and 3 steals

Kyra Hendrick had 2 points 2 rebounds 1 steal

Calli Kruger had 2 steals and 1 reboun

Aislinn Tripp had 2 rebounds