Clinton Community Schools

Girls Varsity Comp Cheer

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Comp Cheer vs. Multiple Opponents

6.0 years ago @ 9:32AM
Game Date
Jan 29, 2018

They say that home is where the heart is, and the seems to be the case for the Clinton Competitve Cheer Team! They cheered their hearts out at their Home Meet to overcome last weeks scores in Tecumseh and Whitmore Lake, and succeeded with huge score increases. Round 1 jumped to 201.7, Round 2 rose to 161.57, and Round 3 got stronger with a score of 208.7, giving them a final overall score of 571.98! With that kind of momentum, you won't want to miss their upcoming meets! These girls don't know the meaning of defeat! Keep pushing hard, ladies!